Contact Us

Tulsa Table Tennis Club contacts:

Kelly Boyce
Cell: 918-640-2209
home email:


John Knox Church contact:

Drew Cowan
Cell: 539-218-6892


There are 3 clubs in the Tulsa area:
(1) Tulsa Table Tennis Club
(2) Essential Table Tennis Club
(3) Parkinson Ping Pong Club


(1) Tulsa Table Tennis Club at John Knox Church (6 tables)
Meets Tuesdays and Thursday nights - 6:00 to 10:00 PM

2929 East 31st, Tulsa, Ok. 74105
(on 31st between Harvard and Lewis on the north side of 31st)
Knox church contacts:
Drew Cowan - 539-218-6892 (Drew is a member of this church).
Enter on the south side in front of the church's parking circle.
This door will be locked at all times.
To get in, you need to call someone that is in the building to come and open the door or you need to bang on the south door (where we enter) or the window on the east side of the fellowship hall/gym (which is where we play) until someone hears you.
There is no church staff to open the door.
6 tables - 4 Butterfly Centerfold 25 rollaways,  1 Stiga Evolution rollaway (3/4" top), 1 Stiga 410Q rollaway (1"top)
Date moved in: 6-4-19
The Fellowship room is 39' x 85'. (5554422 5919)
(for updates on the John Knox Tulsa table tennis page - click here)
For a link to the church's website - click here

As of Jan, 2025, Pastor Drake is who we/Drew Cowan deal with now.

For heat and air - Mike - 918-884-8804 (he is a contractor for the church).
For church issues: (these are the church trustees)
Ralph Manis - 918-808-6959


(2) Essential Table Tennis - Bixby
(South County Recreation Center)
Fridays -  3:30 PM to 7:45 PM - in the gym (starting Feb 10, 2025)

13800 South Peoria Ave
Bixby, Ok. 74008
Center Phone: 918-746-3780
David Leonard - 918-607-2519 - club contact

(the gym can hold 8 tables).
2 Butterfly Centerfold 25 rollaways.
2 Stiga 3000 Quickplay rollaways (3/4" tops),
2 Stiga 410Q - (1" top)
1 - Stiga Privat Roller (3/4" top).

(note - this is a David Correa sponsored club).

(Started playing here July 3, 2023).
Note - contract for play at the center is good from July 3 2024 to July 3 2025

(3) Parkinson Ping Pong Club - Bixby Location

The Parkinson Club and Essential club meet on the same day and time and place.

Hamid Ezzat-Ahmadi, Coordinator
Ping Pong Parkinson – Oklahoma
(918) 640-6931


For directions:
2 ways to get here:
(1) Using the Creek Turnpike:
Go west on the creek turnpike, across the Arkansas River and exit at Elm Street.
Go south on Elm Street to 138th and turn west.

(2) Using I-44:
Take I-44 and go west, across the Arkansas River and exit on Hwy 75.
Go south on Hwy 75 and exit at 141st street.
Go East on 141st to Elm street and then go North on Elm Street about 2 blocks.
The center will be on the west side.