Space used by the Tulsa table tennis club (4-29-10)

This page will show how much footage of playing space the club currently uses for our tables at Bixby and Dawson.
This info will be used as a spacial reference when looking for new places to play in order to get an idea how much space is needed for setting up tables.

The recommend width for club usage, according to the USATT, is 15' per table (for 4 tables - 60' total).
For tournament play, the USATT recommends 25' per table for width.

For the area behind the tables, the USATT recommends 29' long for club use and 39' for tournaments

At Dawson: (4 tables at Dawson)

The usable area (ie the area between the cardboard barriers) is:
Usable width now is 49' (55' from wall to wall - north to south) and we set up 4 tables but it is somewhat cramped.
For the distance behind the tables, the usable width now:
For the larger part of the room - the distance between the chair caddies and table caddies on the north end of the room) is 29' (from wall to wall is 36' - east to west).
For the shorter part of the room behind the tables is 26' (from wall to wall is 30').

At Bixby: (4 tables at Bixby)

Between the poles/posts (east to west) - 44' (this would be the length or behind the tables area) (which is too long).
From the end of the stage to the beginning of the kitchen area (north to south)- 61' or 58' of usable width or 14' 6" per table for width.


A folded table is 5' long and 28" wide and 6' 3" high.
However, by interweaving the tables together, you can get 4 tables in a space 5' x 8'.
The cardboard we use is 4' high.